当你准备好买房的时候, 你不想让完美的房子失去,因为你还没有熟悉自己的融资选择. 事实上, 在你开始找房子之前,确定正确的抵押贷款类型是做出最明智决定的重要一步. 

在本指南中,我们将探索Arbor Financial Credit Union提供的流行抵押贷款产品. 一旦你读完了, 如果你准备采取下一步行动,或者对哪个选择最适合你有疑问, 我们的按揭专家 知识渊博,愿意提供帮助吗. We're here to help you make informed decisions about your home financing needs!



选择合适的抵押贷款需要仔细审查各种类型的抵押贷款项目及其特点. 最适合你的抵押贷款应该是灵活的,负担得起的,并满足你的个人需求.

学习 more about the different types of mortgage loans.


Gain a stable monthly payment with a fixed-rate mortgage.

这种贷款选项提供了可预测性和稳定性. A fixed-rate mortgage also comes with flexible terms and low fees.

根据你的信用记录,你可以获得10到30年的固定利率抵押贷款. Choose the time frame that fits your current and projected future earning potential.

Note that a fixed-rate mortgage locks you into an interest rate. 你必须为这笔贷款再融资,以利用未来可能出现的较低利率.



即使你的信用评分很低或者没有信用记录, 多亏了联邦住房管理局的贷款,你才买得起房子. 
首次购房者适用, this special type of mortgage loan is made available through the federal government.

如果你有资格申请联邦住房管理局贷款, 你可以获得有竞争力的利率,甚至可以要求家人或朋友与你共同借款. 如果你的信用评分在500到580之间,你的首付款总额只有10%,甚至可能低至3分.如果你的信用评分在580分以上,5%.

You can also choose flexible terms and a fixed interest rate for 15 or 30 years. 低 closing costs add to the attractiveness of an FHA loan. 




A jumbo mortgage covers loans of $766,550 to $2 million. The loan features low interest rates and low closing costs. You have the choice to select terms of 15, 20, or 30 years.

While attractive, a jumbo mortgage requires a loan-to-value maximum of 80%. 此外,在你准备购买大房子的时候,确保你可以继续支付每月的付款.



Build a customized home with assistance from a construction loan. This type of mortgage loan helps you save money as you create a brand-new house.

有了建筑贷款,你就可以一次性支付房屋建设和抵押贷款. The result is lower fees, one-time closing costs, and less stress. 另外, 您只需在施工阶段支付贷款利息,并享有低固定利率和10至30年灵活的融资期限.

Because construction costs can vary and may grow as the project progresses, 在申请之前确定好你的房子计划. 然后, 确保你能负担得起建设期结束后开始的每月付款. 要了解更多有关建筑贷款流程的信息, 点击这里. Click below to learn about our loan product specifically. 



无论你是要搬进一间待修的房子,还是你喜欢的房子需要一些小的更新, 考虑装修贷款. 这些资金可以让你立即购买和改善你的房子,然后随着时间的推移支付装修费用.

装修贷款包括房屋的购买或再融资成本和装修成本. It covers non-structural improvements that total less than $50,000. For details on the types of improvements that are covered, talk to your lender.

Renovation loan terms can include a low fixed interest rate. Take advantage of flexible financing terms of 10 to 30 years. One-time closing costs add value to the loan and lower costs.

Carefully plan out your renovations before you apply for a renovation loan. 保护你的财务, 您可能需要等到这笔贷款还清后再申请额外的装修资金.



可调利率抵押贷款提供较低的初始利率,并根据市场情况定期调整. 这意味着当你的期限设定为调整时,你的利率可以根据利率环境上升或下降. 该产品通常推荐给经常搬家或不打算长期住在新家的家庭和个人.

With an ARM, you will get rate adjustment periods of 3, 5, 7, or 10 years. 在此时间框架之后,您的利率每六个月根据指数和保证金调整一次. 虽然初始比率可能会更低, 在最初的固定利率期之后,你应该为潜在的利率上涨做好准备. 



当你想卖掉你现在的房子时,要负担得起第二套房子,过桥贷款可能是你最好的选择. Rather than miss out on the deal while you try to sell your existing home, use this option to purchase your dream home even if you don’t have the down payment.

Pay only interest for a manageable term of up to 12 months with a bridge loan. 首先,抵押贷款公司会评估你现在的房子,并计算你现有的资产. You can then borrow up to 80% of the equity for a down payment on a second house. Your bridge home is paid off when you sell your current home.

要符合资格,你必须有足够的资产或信贷,并准备购买新房. 你也只有12个月的时间去找新房子.



写上你的职业是医生, 牙医, 药剂师, 或者兽医在你买房子的时候很好用. A physician mortgage offers special terms to medical professionals.

有医生抵押贷款, obtain financing of up to 100% for a single-family house or 90% for a condominium. 这种15、20或30年期贷款的成交成本低,利率有竞争力. As a bonus, make no private mortgage insurance (PMI) payments.

For details on how to qualify for a physician mortgage, talk to your lender.




A 3% down mortgage makes it easier for you to achieve your dream of home ownership. 你也可以更快地完成你的购买. This loan option is ideal for new or first-time home buyers with limited savings. 它允许你选择15年、20年或30年的期限.

Because you put less money down upfront, your total loan payments could be high. 确认你能负担得起每月的付款. 



Arbor是MSHDA为数不多的认证合作伙伴之一, allowing us to help our members more by adding an option for downpayment assistance. 

符合条件的借款人最多可获得10美元贷款,帮你支付结案费用, 首付, 或预付费用. MSHDA also allows qualified members to claim a Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC). MCC是一项税收抵免,使借款人能够将其年度抵押贷款利息的20%记入其税收,最长可达30年. 

If you are looking at any of the above mortgage options, it's worth talking to your mortgage loan specialist to see if you qualify! 




在Arbor金融信用合作社, 我们的专业贷款团队 is ready to help you find the right type of mortgage loan for your needs. 我们为任何预算提供众多抵押贷款选择,并期待着帮助您为您的梦想家园提供资金. 有关购买第一套住房的更多信息 下载我们的首次购房者电子书.



