Today’s housing market remains hot, and challenged by limited housing inventory in southwest Michigan. With fewer houses to buy, the competition is fierce, and finding the perfect home is increasingly difficult. As a result, many homes on the market have become aged or obsolete. 20世纪90年代流行的“乡村橡木”橱柜和装饰已经褪色. 目前市场上的买家更喜欢白色或涂漆的橱柜和装饰.

你可能会在完美的学区找到一所位置优越的房子, but the home desperately needs updates, and may not have some of the features on your checklist. 想想你最喜欢的HGTV装修节目的前后图像. 但是你怎么买房子,付首付款,然后付装修费用呢? This can be a hurdle for many with limited funds.

来自Arbor Financial的翻新融资可以帮助您在优越的位置购买过时的房子,并将其变成您的梦想家园. 

Advantages of buying a fixer-upper

购买待修房屋的好处是你可以以较低的价格购买房屋,并使其成为你自己的房子. Maybe there is a certain feature or look that you’re going for, 你也可以找到一所老房子,让你根据自己的喜好进行定制. And when you’re in a competitive market, 就像我们现在, 一般来说,你会发现修缮房屋的竞争较少,因为大多数人都不想为装修工作而烦恼. 购买一套房屋的另一个好处是,在改造完成后,你可以通过增加房屋的即时价值来快速建立资产.

What is a renovation loan?

装修贷款为房主或潜在房主提供修缮所需的资金, update or renovate their home. 无论你的家需要小的装饰更新还是更大更复杂的装修, like a room addition, 新车库, 或者完全改造, Arbor Financial has renovation loan options that may be your solution.

  • 化妆品更新. Arbor金融翻新抵押贷款的目的是帮助借款人购买房屋以及为房屋改善提供资金,同时只有一次抵押贷款支付. It works like this: you find a house that sells for $150,000, and you plan on putting $50,000 into repairs and upgrades. So, 你的装修抵押贷款最高可达房屋购买价的97%,再加上修理费,在这种情况下是194美元,000*.

Arbor Financial翻新抵押贷款是为非结构和外观改进设计的,最高可达50美元,000 (e.g.. 油漆, 地毯, 台面, 橱柜, 站, AC /加热, enhancing accessibility for a disabled person, windows or new roof). If you are looking to add an addition onto the home, 打破壁垒, 或者其他结构升级,那么建筑改造贷款将是可行的.

  • Construction remodel. 当你在考虑更大规模的装修时——一个花费超过50美元的装修,000 or that involves structural work (additions, 删除墙, 增加一个车库)——那么Arbor Financial的建筑改造贷款可以帮助你.

How to use a renovation loan as a bargaining tool

如果你找到一个房子,它已经在市场上卖了一段时间,因为它需要昂贵的维修,比如新的屋顶或新的供暖系统, and the seller doesn’t want to put up the money for the repairs, you could certainly use this as a bargaining tool. 假设卖家要价20万美元,它需要一个1.8万美元的新屋顶. 如果卖家不愿意支付新屋顶的费用,你可以和他们讨价还价,以182美元的价格出售,000 and cover the cost of the roof as part of the renovation loan.

Benefit of the renovation loan

Arbor financial翻新贷款的最大好处是,与政府支持的FHA翻新贷款相比,您可以快速获得资金.

How do You qualify for a 首页 装修贷款

To qualify for an Arbor Financial renovation loan the home, 公寓, or manufactured house must be your primary residence. 然而,你可以购买一个2单元的复式公寓,只要你占据其中一个单位. 你可以借到房屋和升级总成本的97%(人造房屋略少)。. 信用评分在700分或以上的第二套住房也将符合高达90%的贷款价值比. Improvements are for up to $50,000 in non-structural work.

The best thing to do is work with your local mortgage lender 谁可以为您运行几个场景,并帮助您提供最佳的抵押贷款解决方案. So, 是的, 住房市场面临低库存的挑战,但不要让这阻止你创造你的梦想家园! Call us to discuss your next fixer-upper or renovation project 269.544.3105.

*subject to appraised value.

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